Director appointment - summary

To appoint a new director, larger companies tend to make the decision to do so at either an Annual General Meeting or an Extraordinary General meeting. If the board passes a majority vote to engage that person for the role, the motion is carried and that person can resume their new duties straight away.

We offer a professional service for clients who wish to appoint or resign directors, including the filing of the Companies House forms and all other paperwork necessary to keep your company records up-to-date and compliant. Putting in place the relevant company secretarial documents with regards director appointments and resignations is often overlooked and leaves companies at risk of being non-compliant. Using this service will ensure your company records are in order.

For smaller companies, the process is much more informal and it's usually laid out in their Articles of Association. The decision to take on a new director will normally arise out of informal and ad hoc discussions carried out between the shareholders and directors.

If you decide to appoint a new director, you must inform Companies House within 14 days. Sure Formations LTD offers a service which handles this entire process, including the paperwork, for £19.99

For help and advice on appointing a director, please call us on WhatsApp +447405820847/+234(01) 6349729 or email us at

Frequently asked questions

What information will you need about a director I wish to appoint?

For the appointment of a director in a private limited company, the following information is going to be needed when we complete and submit the correct form (AP01) to Companies House.

In addition to the date on which the appointment was made, we'll need you to confirm with us their full name (including middle name), any names that they've used in the last 20 years, their nationality, their date of birth, and their occupation.

We'll also need two addresses. The first is their "service address" - the location to which Companies House will send letters for that director's attention. The service address is displayed on public records about your company. The second is their usual residential address.

How many directors should my company have?

Every limited company must have at least one director. If a limited company has only one director, that director must be a natural person.

Are directors also shareholders?

Directors do not have to be shareholders. Their role is to run the company, so there is no requirement to also be an owner if they do not wish to be; however, if existing shareholders do want to offer shares to the directors, this is perfectly acceptable and fairly common.

What is a company director’s role?

Directors are appointed by the owners of a company (shareholders or guarantors) to ‘direct’ the day-to-day activities of the company on their behalf. They are responsible for ensuring the smooth running and management of a company by adhering to all legal and contractual requirements, and making the company successful and profitable.

Who appoints a company director?

Limited company members can appoint or resign a director whilst setting up a limited company - or any time thereafter.

Can I remove a director if my company only has one?

No. You'll need to appoint a new director first meaning that there will temporarily be two directors listed on Companies House for your company. Once the new director's role is registered, you may then remove one of the directors