Confirmation statement – summary

Every limited company or LLP in the UK must file a confirmation statement at Companies House on an annual basis. The confirmation statement provides Companies House with up-to-date information on a company’s registered office address, officers, SIC codes, share capital, shareholders and people with significant control (PSC).

In 2016, the confirmation statement replaced the annual return. Companies House require all company directors to fill in their company’s confirmation statements on time and in full. Although there are no fines for filing late, failing to file on time is a criminal offence and directors may be fined personally for non-compliance. Companies House may also attempt to strike your company off its register for failure to comply.

Confirmation statement filing service

Confirmation statement filing (previously known as annual return filing) is a mandatory annual requirement for all limited and LLP companies. An annual confirmation statement is a snapshot of the company on a given date each year, usually the incorporation date. We can file your annual confirmation statement at Companies House in the right way, ensuring complete compliance for your UK company.

An annual confirmation statement filing confirms the following information:

  • Information about the company’s directors
  • Information about the company’s secretary (if appointed)
  • The company’s registered office address
  • The company’s core business activities (SIC codes)
  • Details of any shareholders
  • Issue of shares
  • Person(s) of significant control (PSC)

Frequently asked questions

What is a confirmation statement?
The confirmation statement is a Companies House filing requirement for all limited companies and LLPs. It replaced the annual return on 30 June 2016, and essentially has the exact same purpose – it verifies that all company information is accurate and up to date.

How often do I need to file a confirmation statement?
A confirmation statement must be filed at Companies House at least once every 12 months. This service is renewable annually, ensuring you do not miss a filing date in the future.

I have had a confirmation statement reminder from Companies House. What should I do?

If you receive a letter from Companies House telling you that “your confirmation statement is due for filing”, then you should do so to avoid a conformation statement late filing penalty. Please contact us straight away for assistance.

When will my confirmation statement be filed?

There are two ordering options available for our Confirmation Statement Service – Standard or Express. If you order your confirmation statement using the Standard service, it will be filed within 3 working days of receiving the required information. If you need your confirmation statement filed in a hurry, you can purchase the Express service and it will be filed within 24 hours (1 working day) of receiving the information we require.

When is the confirmation statement due?

A confirmation statement is due 14 days after the anniversary of the date of incorporation or the date you filed the last confirmation statement.

Do I have to report any changes straight away to Companies House before the end of my review period?

Yes. If any of the following change, you need to inform Companies House:

  • your company’s registered address
  • director appointments and terminations
  • changes to directors’ service addresses or surnames
  • your company secretary
  • changes to directors’ service addresses or surnames
  • someone becoming or ceasing to be a PSC
  • changes to PSC’s personal details
  • location of your company’s registers
  • SIC codes
  • any changes to the last statement of company capital
  • any changes to your shareholders’ information

Can I contact Sure Formations LTD for help?

We’ve worked with thousands of business people since our launch and part of our service level commitment to you is to be available at no charge during office hours before, during, and after the submission of your confirmation statement.